Info Panels - Features

This is a marketing or promotion tool for any product, service, or SIM role-play information you want to share with others. It is sized to given to people as a HUD, but can be resized to become an in-world display.

When shared as a HUD, new owners can share with friends for wider distributions

There are three panels. The left and right panels each have a static texture with information. They can also be configured with touch areas to reference a webpage, a SLurl, give a notecard, or play a sound file.

The center panel provides a slide show with as many images as you want

The default configuration that is provided, and shown in the below video, demonstrates the available features. In this case, the center panel gallery has a slide show of my other products.


(The slide show in the video is running fast for demo purposes.)

Use it as a HUD to give away

The panels are originally sized for use as a HUD.

Use it as an In-world Display

The panels are sized for use as a HUD. To resize for a scaled up display for your parcel:


The name of the configuration notecard starts with CONFIG. Each time you modify this notecard the product will automatically reset.

Configuration details are here.

The Product Key Box

This product is designed for purchasers to modify and then transfer to a new owner as a HUD. But before the Info Panels object is transferred to another owner, the Next Owner permissions must be set to No Modify on both the object AND the configuration notecard.

If these permissions are not changed, the next owner will just get 3 pretty black blocks to look at.

In order for the original purchaser to work on the product, the Product Key Box must be rezzed nearby. The original owner will be prompted to do this when this is required.

4 L.I.

Permissions: Copy, Modify, Transfer, but the Next Owner permissions must be changed to No Modify before distributing.