Leia's Lights

A friend wanted better control of the lighting for her home, and this was the result. These lights are highly configurable so you can create just the right atmosphere for your home or studio

There are five light styles in the package:

Our goal was to craft the lighting effects to be as realistic as possible.



You can touch any light to get a menu with several options

A light switch is also included so you can control a group of lights from one location.

If the light (or switch), you touch is part of a 'switch group', turning it on or off, or setting the intensity, will affect all lights in the group

Also available on the menu are sub-menus for adjusting the Size, Radius (distance the light travels), and (if the light is a 'down' light), the size of the Spot on the floor. These adjustments are temporary but are connivent way for you to quickly determine the values to be used for permanent configuration of the light(s).

Performance Considerations

In order for sharing of configuration or control of lights from one location to work, all of the lights will have an active listener. If you are in a poor performing region, you can avoid all these listeners by not including the SWITCH_GROUP and CONFIG_GROUP notecards. You will then need to touch each light to control it.

Configuration details ARE HERE

Note: These lights use some advanced lighting graphics features. Users running at lower graphics settings may not see all effects.

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