Be sure to make a copy of your configuration file before making changes.

Configuration Notecards

There are several notecard that use the title of the notecard for configuration information

"FLOOR_NUMBER n" associates the floor with it's controller object. If you only use a single floor then leave this as "FLOOR_NUMBER 1".

If you rez another floor, you can leave the floor number the same and have a single controller object work with both of them.

But you can change the number to "FLOOR_NUMBER 2" and rez a separate controller for it. Just remember to change the second controller's notecard to "FLOOR_NUMBER 2" as well.

"SHUTDOWN_TEXTURE texture_name" is the texture the floor shows when it is "Shutdown". You might want to use your sim logo for this.
"SHUTDOWN_ROTATION nnn" Where nnn is the rotation of the Shutdown image in degrees..
"CONFIG your_config_file" has all of the details for the textures used in the floor. You can name it anything you want as long as it starts with "CONFIG ". This is the only notecard that has configuration information inside it.

I recommend you use version numbers as you make changes to this notecard's contents.

The CONFIG___ Notecard

Most of the Configuration is inside the notecard starting with "CONFIG". You can add any name after that if you want to experiment or have different settings for different themes.

The two configurations supplied are: "CONFIG Default" and "CONFIG Goth". These configuration notecards and all the texture they reference are in folders in the package. And, there are also two floor objects configured with each of these.

If you mess things up while experimenting, you can completely reload the floor scripts, configuration and textures from those folders.

Setting a default color palette

Edit the "CONFIG notecard. The first keyword should be:


The default set of colors used for the base layer can be set from the control menu, but if you find you have a preferred color palette, you set it here choosing from: DEFAULT | COOL | WARM | GOTH

Making it Square

Resizing the Floor

Customizing the Textures

The Alpha Sorting Problem

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